10 Tips To Get More YouTube Subscribers

youtube subscribers

10 Tips To Get More YouTube Subscribers

Have you heard that the first video uploaded to YouTube was released on April 23, 2005? The 18-second video called “Me at the Zoo” was never presented before, until today.

Presently, YouTube subscribers account for more than a third of Internet users, a figure that is in billions. Attracted by the popularity of this online video-sharing platform, users are all out to attempt to become the next YouTube star, which may provide opportunities for career advancement.

Who are YouTube Subscribers?

Subscribers are crucial to the success of your channel on YouTube. YouTube subscribers subscribe to a channel that they prefer to stay up to date with the most recent videos. They are loyal followers who invest a lot of time every day watching their preferred channels. A subscriber typically receives an email when the channel releases a new video and this ensures that the video will get the channel will receive more views. If they are truly interested in the channel they’ll watch and share comments on videos, but also share these videos with other people, and sometimes, they’ll even help your content go viral.

The reason why people want to increase their subscribers is that YouTube is not just the most popular video website on the internet but also an effective method to earn money. If a channel is able to reach 10,000 subscribers and earns more than $100 from advertisements on YouTube.

It may appear easy, however, getting your 100th and initial 1,000 subscribers is an extremely difficult task. Based on my research and experience I’ve compiled 10 strategies that will assist you in gaining an increase in YouTube subscribers and boost your chances of making money.

10 Tips To Increase YouTube Subscribers

Let’s begin with the first one.

Use Relevant Keywords For Videos

According to YouTube, the tagging feature is one of the primary methods to ensure that your video top of the results. Tags are used to identify the type of video like, say, the video of a monkey could be classified as monkey wild animal’ The keywords used in the tags are crucial in improving searchability. It is crucial to locate the keywords your intended audience will use to search for the content they’d like to see.

The most effective place to search to find keywords are on YouTube however, you can also make use of traditional keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Google Search Console, Moz, SEOProfiler, and many more. I suggest creating 10-20 keywords that contain those keyword phrases.

Tags can be between 100 and 120 characters in length. This means that you can include at least 12 tags within a YouTube video. Make sure to utilize the most crucial keywords first before adding specific tags that contain multiple words, which will increase the indexability of your video as recommended by Search Engine Land.

Plan Your Videos

Alan Lakein once said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” The process of planning videos can help you create an order of actions that will help you reach your maximum number of Youtube subscribers. When you are planning your videos, make sure you create a unique script that is related to the subject and not resembling channels that have been popular. This will make it easier to manage your videos and keep your focus.

Be specific and make your video as precise as you can with the words you’ll use in the video while highlighting the key aspects and the actions you’d like your intended audience to follow.

Be Consistent In Posting Useful Content

Have you embraced this “one-and-done” approach on YouTube? It’s not going to be effective if you’re committed to gaining Youtube subscribers. Many people go for months without posting anything and then post every 3-4 days. Even if you’ve succeeded in creating engaging, informative, and enjoyable videos, if you don’t plan to upload them regularly and on a consistent schedule, you may lose your viewers.

I would suggest posting one or two videos per week to not only keep your viewers entertained but also to make sure that you’re providing valuable content. If you plan to post an additional video every week, you should decide that you will post it on a certain date and time like Friday, 3:00 pm. Making deadlines clear and sharing the schedule with others can make it difficult to delay your plans according to DIY Musician. If you are posting video content video be sure to set aside additional time to write descriptions, video promotion, and respond to feedback.

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Keep The Videos Short

You may not be able to earn one million views in a 30-minute video in contrast to Kony 2012. According to ComScore the top ten most-viewed YouTube videos the shortest video was just 42 seconds, while the longest ran nine minutes, 15 seconds. The average video length was four twenty seconds and four minutes. To advertise your YouTube video to get more popularity, make it brief and straight to the point.

Try An Offbeat Title For The Video

If you are creating a catchy title that will encourage more clicks It is possible to be witty and creative however, you must be specific. The length of the title should be such that it isn’t more than 50-60 characters.

Do not play with words. The title must immediately inform the viewer about what your video is about or they’ll not click. To make the title more effective to be more search-friendly, you should use the keywords in the title. Don’t use”video” as the word “video” in the title. It’s not just an unnecessary space-consuming idea, but it is useless for ensuring better results for search engines. Some examples of highly focused and eye-catching titles are “7 Dos and Don’ts of Street Style,” “3 Easy and Quick Ways to Write an Essay” and “5 Sure-Fire Ways to Write an Effective Resume.”

Use Different Locations For The Background

Do you often make use of your office or bedroom space to create backgrounds for your video? It’s possible that you’re boring viewers. Photograph in various backgrounds or locations to draw attention. This is the most appropriate host for newbies!

Don’t Preach, Guide

When the global superstar Priyanka Chopra addressed the Penguin Annual Lecture 2017, she began by presenting “12 Sure-fire Ways to Become Priyanka Chopra,” however, she changed the title within a second as she realized that the millennial generation doesn’t want to hear about things. Then she continued by introducing “Priyanka Chopra’s 12 Rules to Becoming the Best Version of Yourself.” Are you able to notice the differences? You can’t make someone take action but you can help them to move in the correct direction.

Appear Professional

You are able to make the most of the customizable options YouTube offers however, you won’t be able to get people to believe in your YouTube company unless they are sure that you are an expert in your subject. Be sure to use a professional approach when creating content. If you manage a blog, make sure you include the design elements from the blog’s theme in the backdrop headers of your video. Be open to comments on videos of others. Be sure to share your own videos on other well-known social channels.

Create A Custom Video Thumbnail

When users browse YouTube thumbnails provide them with an overview of the video. A video thumbnail performs the same purpose as the book’s cover or movie’s posture, drawing the attention of viewers and convincing them to click “Play” which is worth their time. Thus, video thumbnails are something to be considered particularly when trying to improve click-through rates (CTR).

Make use of pertinent images, annotations, and images to create customized thumbnails of YouTube videos. YouTube videos to show the content you think the video will be about. You can select from the thumbnails available on YouTube with three intervals at 1/4th or around the 1/2 point and at 3/4th.

Create A Perfect Channel Trailer

One of the most effective methods to attract potential Youtube subscribers is to use the channel trailer. A channel trailer functions similarly to a film trailer. It offers viewers a taste of the services you offer and encourages them to sign up. A trailer of 30 to 60 seconds that includes short introductions, could suffice to convey your message to viewers.

Don’t leave your call-to-action to the very end, particularly when your videos are lengthy. Be sure to add clickable annotations after a few seconds.

If a person is convinced that they can rely on your advice to solve problems they face in their daily lives they tend to sign up and keep coming back to seek answers.


Prasheya is an avid blogger as well an eminent digital marketeer. He has immense passion towards blogging. His hobbies include travelling, teaching and watching movies.

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